High expectations AND nurturing relationships. No nonsense in front of class, nurturing one-on-one. Students need to first know you care.
Four steps
Step 1: Give Precise Directions
Directions must be concise and precise. Remember, "what looks like resistance is often lack of clarity." Directions should provide MVP (movement, voice, participation): e.g., "When you enter the classroom, go immediately to your cooperative group seats, and in a Level 2 voice build your models."
Step 2: Positive Narration
How you respond to students after giving directions. Scan the class and narrate the students who are doing what they're supposed to; this is a positive way of repeating directions, given students a second chance without nagging.
Praise. Student "interpret frequent praise from teachers as an indicator that they are not in fact doing well and hence need extra motivation from their teacher" (Dweck 2007). When you praise students for doing what's expected you are sending the message that you have low expectations; it also diminishes the praise you give when students are doing something great. Examples of praise: "Good job!" "Well done!" "I like..."
With Positive Narration "you are simply making a non-judgmental description of the behavior you are observing." Name a specific behavior without praising. Narrate MVP.
Step 3: Providing Consequences
"Non severe predictable and consistent consequences."
"Zero tolerance policy": Must sweat the small stuff >> if students see that you are allowing minor misbehavior like talking they will keep pushing boundaries.
Must be prepared to apply consequences and do so consistently.
Establish hierarchy of consequences: (1) Reminder: must let them see that you are writing down their reminder; they have second chance to amend behavior. [If students commit certain actions--e.g., open defiance--they do not proceed through the hierarchy but receive severe consequences.]
Redirect: When students d/n follow directions, redirect within 10-20 seconds; redirect is quick, direct 3-part stmt: (1) Name (Terry), (2) Inappropriate behavior framed positively (We are being silent right now), (3) Consequence (This is your written warning for today).
Use strong teacher voice if needed.
Narrative misbehaving students when they get back on track.
D/n personalize it.
D/n argue; use broken record strategy if needed, repeating: "I understand you're upset. I'll talk to you when you're calm."
Use mantra: "I care too much about you to allow you to not follow directions."
Step 4: Building Relationship w/ Students
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